Personal auto policies offer liability coverage protection for most autos, light trucks, trailers, and motor homes. Options and benefits include:
Bodily injury and property damage liability protects you from financial loss, if you are liable for damages and/or injuries resulting from an accident.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) covers you and passengers injured in an accident in your vehicle.
Uninsured/Underinsured motorist protection guards against injuries to you or your passengers resulting from an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver.
Collision coverage for damages to your vehicle from a collision with an object or another vehicle.
Comprehensive coverage for non-collision accidents such as fire, theft, vandalism, windshields, etc.
Rental vehicle reimbursement, towing and labor cost coverage should your vehicle become disabled due to a covered loss.
*Additional special coverage options are available. Please consult us for a complete list of coverage options.
This overview is a general coverage description only and is not a policy contract. Specific provisions of your policy, determine if a particular loss is covered, and for what amount.